Thank you for considering

If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help!


You have 30 calendar days to change your mind about your purchase and to receive your refund with no questions asked.


Please email and include the subject line  "RETURN"
In the email, please include information on the individual who first established subscription:
first and last name and address, state and zip code
Please include your purchase date and amount purchased and the last 4 digits of the card used.

Refunds will be processed within 30 days and credited to your original credit card.

While not required, we'd like your feedback as to why you are not satisfied.  This will help us get better!

Tax Deductibility

Because all purchases to collegeprepamerica are 100% tax deductible, remember to remove your purchase amount from the tax deduction information you provide to your accountant.

Thank you!